Have you been searching for a Los Angeles recovery center that looks like somewhere you’d actually want to go to? Does it seem like every “recovery center” that you’ve encountered looks sterile at best and off-putting at worst? Here at Y and Y Recovery, we don’t believe that going to a recovery center should feel like a punishment in the slightest way. We understand how difficult it can be to reach out to a facility like ours and then make the leap, so to speak, to actually go there. Those are just some of the reasons that we do everything we can to make you feel at home. 

Los Angeles Recovery Center So You Can Actually Recover 

If you were to see our recovery center (and you can in the video on our site) it would look like a house. A nice house, certainly, but a house nonetheless. We’re quite proud of that, because when folks step into our house, we do everything in our power to make them feel at home. That means being positive, upbeat, and supportive, of course. But, it also means providing the absolute best beds, linens, and other accoutrements. It means making sure everyone has a private bathroom and they’re always clean. Beyond that, it means that there’s plenty of space to lounge about, watch TV, and such (when the time is right). 

The Right Treatment for You 

That said, the last thing we would want is to give you the idea that all you’re going to do at Y and Y Recovery is sit around and watch television. Far from it. Indeed, we believe in packing as much as possible into an individual’s first thirty days of treatment. That means mental health and trauma therapy, of course, but it also means building and developing a person’s coping and living skills, too. When you’re here, we identify and then stabilize traumas as well as co-occurring disorders. We do this through many methods, including teaching someone to be their own expert, in terms of coping skills, living skills, and so much more. 

Daily Specific Treatment 

Every day at Y and Y Recovery is different, but we do offer daily treatment options within the course of our treatment process that are generalized as well as specific. Three times a week, patients have individualized counseling sessions. There’s plenty of group therapy and more, as well. When you’re here, we’ll put together a customized treatment just for you. 

“Nothing Worth Doing is Ever Easy” 

That’s painted on the wall behind the couch in one of our common rooms. It’s not there as a warning, but rather as words of encouragement. We know how difficult recovery can be. After all, plenty of our staff members are in recovery, too. They’ve been right where you are, reading something online and wondering if this is the right thing for them to do. To talk to someone here at Y and Y Recovery, call (323) 880-2899.