Have you been looking for a detox and recovery center, yet they all seem exactly the same? As you peruse one website after another, do you only see the same services and programs, listed over and over and over and over again? That may be true elsewhere, but that’s not how it works at our Hollywood recovery center. Here, we believe in doing everything we can to help our clients to find that inner capacity to change, to make their lives what they want them to be. There are multiple programs you can find here that you may not be able to find (or find as effective) at other facilities.
Over the years, we’ve found that for many people struggling with addiction, the addiction is a symptom, not a cause. The cause, so to speak, is some deep-seated trauma and buried emotion inside the person. One effective tactic for discovering that: Breathwork. These techniques, (when led by a certified, experienced Breathwork for Recovery professional, like we have here at Y and Y Recovery) can help someone to process trauma and create new, healthier perspectives on their past behaviors. It can even assist in developing more positive, healthy thought patterns, so as to help the client moving forward.
Yoga Therapy Done Right
Yoga therapy, for those battling addiction, holds many benefits. That said, “exercise” is just one of them. Yes, finding new, positive, healthy ways to feel good (as opposed to doing so through the use of harmful substances) is critically important to a person’s journey of recovery. That said, the yoga therapy we utilize here is gentle and restorative, incorporating movement, stretching, breath, and stillness to help our clients “come back.” By “come back,” we mean “return to a sense of safety and comfort.” With that, they can then better explore what drives their actions, all while having the reserves of strength to deal with any uncomfortable or even painful emotions. Yoga is about the mind as much as it is the body (if not more).
Artistic Therapy
Talking out one’s feelings and concerns can be very beneficial. That said, we’ve found for many clients, some of the best ways to express language don’t involve sitting in a group (or alone) talking to a therapist. Art therapy, (as overseen by our practicing painter and fine artist on staff) can incorporate creative writing, rap, poetry, and more to help clients to process their emotions, to safely play, experiment, have fun, and ultimately, to grow.
Our Hollywood Recovery Center
The above are just some of the programs and therapies available at our facility. It’s important to note that not all here is yoga, art, and breathing — we have medical staff on hand who can make sure your detox goes as smoothly as possible, for example. We see the above programs as one more way that we can develop more unique, individualized treatment for our clients. To get started or to learn more, call us at (323) 880-2899.